Keynote Speaker - Commencement - St. Robert Catholic High School

Keynote Speaker - Graduation Day - Maneesha Gupta.jpg

On Tuesday, October 20, I had the distinct honour of serving as the Keynote Speaker at my high school, St. Robert Catholic High School’s Class of 2020 Graduation Day. I had completed the International Baccalaureate Diploma Program at this high school in Thornhill, Ontario.

I was humbled to celebrate the excitement of this wonderful day with the graduates. My path to law school, an eventual career as a lawyer, and starting a mindfulness community were neither accidental nor was it aimless. Being a lawyer and pursuing spirituality was my passion and my calling, and my formative years at St. Robert CHS prepared me for it.

As alumni of St. Robert CHS, I urge our graduates to use your influence to better your communities and your country. In your quest for a better world, I urge you to dig deep into your passions, take bold risks and dream big. Life is full of regrets, but you will never regret sharing your talents with the world: share what makes your soul happy and opportunities will multiply.

Don’t forget our collective roots in community stewardship. Each of you have a responsibility to turn around, send the elevator back down and bring someone back up through the door.

Graduates, I thank you, and I salute you in advance for the incredible things you are going to do in this world. Don’t forget your voice, and don’t forget to speak up – we can’t wait to hear what you have to say.


Keynote Speaker - Global Mindfulness Event for Lawyers


Speaker - The Law School Show Podcast